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23 Jul 2021

By Steve Jacobson

Wedding Flowers Los AngelesFor a January wedding, red is the perfect color. Not only is it the color of the month, but it also gives you the chance to decorate in many different styles, from fun and festive to formal and fabulous. At French Florist, we love coming up with creative new ideas for weddings! Here are some of our favorite red decoration ideas.



Make it a Party!


The wonderful thing about red as your wedding's primary Los-Angeles-French-Florist--Wedding-Flowerscolor is that it makes the perfect base color if you want to create a lively, festive atmosphere. For example, at your reception, you could start with red lighting. Let the lighting color white walls, tablecloths and chair covers to brighten things up a little or keep things muted by choosing red or dark fabrics. Bring out the party atmosphere with colorful decorations ' bright glow sticks, centerpieces with wild feathers and flowers, and maybe even a gorgeous light show on a wall or on the dance floor.


Wonderful Wedding Trees


Wedding trees have become very popular in recent years, and they definitely make an eye-catching display. Design a wedding tree to fit your color scheme by choosing red roses, callas and other flowers. Another wonderful idea is to decorate the branches of the tree with red accents, like berries, bows or ribbon.


Designing a Formal Red Reception


Los Angeles Florist -Flowers for the perfect weddingOne of our favorite ideas is a formal red reception done in black and red. Start with the tablecloths. If you choose red for the tables, make sure to use black place cards and black seating tied with red bows to provide a bit of contrast. The same goes if you choose black as the base color ' highlight the tables with red napkins, candles and other accents.


Since this color scheme is so dramatic, you'll need centerpieces to match. Consider something tall, like a pedestal arrangement topped with tightly packed roses. We love pedestals done in gold because they provide a rich, luxurious look to the tables. However, you could also use elegant glass pedestals or black pedestals for even more contrast.


Decorating with red gives you the chance to experiment with a variety of styles. Whether you go with a formal theme, something fun and festive or you use red to add romance and drama to the event, French Florist has the experience and design ideas you need. Browse our website and gallery for even more ways to make your January wedding memorable!



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