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23 Jul 2021

By Steve Jacobson

labor dayWith the wildfires and drought that are plaguing the state, we've hardly had a chance to enjoy the summer. It's hard to believe that it's almost the end of August. Labor Day, which always falls on a Monday, is two-and-a-half weeks away already. Sadly, for Los Angelinos, that means that summer is practically over. We hope you have something special planned for the Labor Day weekend, and French Florist wants to encourage you ' our customers to add flowers to your Labor Day meal table, whether you're eating inside, having a backyard barbecue, or a beachside picnic.


Labor Day became a federal holiday in 1894 when President Grover Cleveland signed the bill, creating the law that designated the first Monday of September as the nation's annual Labor Day observance. Efforts to establish a holiday on which to honor America's workers began in 1885 at the municipal level. Two years later, on February 21, 1887, Oregon became the first state to pass legislation declaring that the first Monday of September would be observed as a statewide holiday.


The concept for a Labor Day holiday wasn't something the government came up with; it was an idea that came from workers and the labor unions who fought for them. The last two decades of the 19th century marked the heyday of the Industrial Revolution.

labor day

While it meant huge advances in technology, life for the average American worker was miserable. Most people worked 12-hour days, without any days off, and it wasn't unusual to find young children working in factories, mills, or mines, earning a fraction of what adults earned for the same jobs. This is what inspired the efforts to establish a national holiday to honor laborers.


We think that 'A Garden of Grandeur' is the perfect floral arrangement for a summertime picnic. The rustic basket is full of brightly colored seasonal flowers that look like something you'd expect to find in someone's lush flower garden. The basket has a handle to make it easy to carry to your backyard, to the beach, or picnic table elsewhere. For a nice finishing touch, we add decorative raffia bow.



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