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Earth Day


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23 Jul 2021

By Steve Jacobson


earth dayOn Earth Day, what better way to support the environment than to surround yourself with life giving plants?


The Earth Day movement officially began on two fronts in 1970; but the stage may well have been set 8 years earlier when Rachel Carson's Silent Spring hit the New York Times bestsellers list. The book sold over a half million copies and began to raise awareness and concern for the environment and the inter-connectedness of pollution and health and wellness.

earth day
Gaylord Nelson, a Senator from Wisconsin, had seen the aftermath of a 1969 oil spill in California. Inspired by the groundswell created by the student anti-war protests, he realized that he could channel the energy of the political atmosphere into environmental efforts, forcing the government to take on air and water pollution issues. Senator Nelson imagined the first National Teach-In on the environment. Enlisting the support of Congressman Pete McCloskey and Harvard professor Denis Hayes, the effort was underway. On April 22, 1970, massive gatherings and rallies took place coast to coast, demanding a healthy and sustainable environment. Environmental groups that had been operating independently saw an opportunity to unite into one consolidated effort. By the end of just one year, the first Earth Day had led to the establishment of the EPA, and the passage of the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act and the Endangered Species Act. Nelson had obviously hit on something Americans, and the world, cared about.

earth day

Nearly simultaneously, in 1969, John McConnell proposed a global holiday to advance peace and unite the world for conservation efforts. The announcement was made at the National UNESCO Conference in San Francisco, and outlined the need for preserving and renewing the threatened ecological systems. The proposal was met with overwhelming support; and independent of Nelson's efforts, an Earth Day Proclamation was made by the City of San Francisco on March 21, 1970. In June of the same year, an International Earth Day Proclamation outlined the principles and responsibilities of nations, and was signed at the UN by 36 world leaders, including UN Secretary General U Thant. This International holiday is celebrated around the globe on the Spring Equinox each year; in 2016, it will be observed on March 21.


Plants represent a critical ecosystem that support all life on Earth. In short, we literally cannot live without them! This Earth Day either March 21 or April 22 add a few new plants to your home or office. Stop into French Florist today to choose from our wide selection, and adopt a plant today.


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