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How to Make Fresh Cut Roses Last Longer

Tips & Tricks

How to Make Fresh Cut Roses Last Longer

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27 Aug 2024

By Michael Jacobson

Fresh cut roses can brighten up any room with their beauty and fragrance. Whether you've received them as a gift or picked them up for yourself, taking proper care of your fresh cut roses is essential to ensure they stay vibrant and last as long as possible. In this guide, we'll focus on the specific care required for fresh cut roses, including a unique tip on using household items like sugar to extend their vase life.

How to Care for Fresh Cut Roses

Before delving into the secret of using sugar to prolong the life of your roses, let's first understand the fundamental care steps to maintain their freshness:

Start with a Clean Vase

Begin by selecting a clean vase. Any residue from previous flower arrangements can introduce harmful bacteria, shortening your roses' lifespan. Wash the vase with warm, soapy water, and rinse it thoroughly before use.

Trim the Stems

Using sharp, clean scissors or pruning shears, trim the rose stems at a 45-degree angle. This angle provides a larger surface area for water absorption, ensuring your roses stay hydrated. Remove any leaves that would be submerged in water to prevent bacterial growth.

Use Fresh Water

Fill the vase with fresh, room temperature water. Avoid using extremely cold or hot water, as roses prefer a moderate temperature. Lukewarm water is ideal.

Add Floral Preservative

Most flower shops provide a small packet of floral preservative with your bouquet. This packet contains essential nutrients and antimicrobial agents to prolong the life of your roses. Follow the instructions on the packet to prepare the water.

Arrange with Care

Arrange your fresh cut roses in the vase, ensuring they have enough space to breathe and won't be crowded. Display them away from direct sunlight and drafts, as these factors can cause wilting.

Change the Water Regularly

To keep your roses fresh, change the water in the vase every two days. Rinse the vase thoroughly and refill it with fresh water and floral preservative. Re-trim the stems slightly with each water change for optimal water absorption.

Can Sugar Be Added to the Vase Water?

Yes, sugar can be added to the vase water to help nourish fresh cut roses. Sugar acts as a source of energy for the flowers, providing the carbohydrates they need to open up and stay vibrant. It also helps combat the growth of harmful bacteria in the water.

The Ratio of Sugar to Water

The ideal ratio of sugar to water for your vase solution is one to three. In other words, 1 teaspoon of sugar per quart (four cups) of water. This balanced mixture ensures that the roses receive the right amount of nutrients without overloading the water with sugar.

To prepare the sugar solution:

Take a clean container and fill it with one cup of lukewarm water.

Gradually add one cup of granulated sugar to the warm water.

Stir the solution until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Pour this sugar-water mixture into your vase, along with the floral preservative.

By following these steps, you can enjoy the sight and fragrance of your fresh cut roses for a more extended period.


Caring for fresh cut roses involves a combination of proper trimming, clean water, floral preservative, and, as we've discovered, a touch of sugar. For more invaluable care tips and an exquisite selection of flowers, your destination is always FrenchFlorist.com. Want more help? Visit our “Contact Us” page to submit a question or inquiry! If you’d like a subscription too, click floral subscription offerings to be directed there! All orders placed online are eligible for our rewards program, too.


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