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Flower Gifts


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21 Sep 2020

By Steve Jacobson

Plants are a wonderful addition to any home because they are lavish, decorative, fresh, alive, and clean the air. If you want to add some greenery into your home but don?t know where to start, or are afraid of killing them, then the below list of low-maintenance and easy to grow plants is a great place to begin. We could all use a little greenery in our life and it?s worth it to give it shot. You?ll see it?s easy to have plants and benefit from all the good things plants bring.

Simple, Non-Demanding Plants

Heartleaf Philodendrons

Also known as the Sweetheart Plant, this is a trailing plant with dark green, heart-shaped leaves that have a natural high shine to them. There are also varieties with leaves that have a beautiful yellow and green variegated pattern. Adaptable to most lighting conditions, this plant is easy to grow and is a great starter plant. For optimum growth, place in an area with a moderate amount of indirect light and let the soil dry out between waterings. Being mildly toxic, make sure to keep pets and kids away.

ZZ Plant

Another plant which is actually a succulent, the ZZ plant has dark green, oval leaves that have a waxy shine and grow in abundance from vertical stems giving the plant a lush look. The ZZ Plant is nearly indestructible and can survive adverse conditions such as low light and drought. They can be placed anywhere in the home and will do just fine but prefer bright to moderate indirect light. Let the solid completely dry out between waterings.

Phalaenopsis Orchid

The beautiful ?Moth Orchid? is actually a very easy orchid variety to grow indoors. Their stunning, beautiful blooms can last up to four months and can bloom as often as twice a year. This is a pretty forgiving plant and can last up to 10 years. Place in a an area with low light, no full sun, and water once a week when in bloom. Once the bloom is off, you only need to water it every two weeks.

Peace Lily

Easy to grow indoors, the Peace Lily, is a lush, full plant with curving, rich green leaves. They will surprise you by blooming a beautiful white flower when you least expect it. Exoitc and elegant, the Peace Lily also filters toxins in the air. They enjoy moist soil and bright, indirect light. Keep pets and kids away though as this plant is toxic to them.

Jade Plant

A great plant for beginners, the Jade Plant, which is a succulent, grows easily and is not very demanding. Its thick, dark green, waxy leaves retain water so it can go a while between waterings. The Jade Plant can also grow to large size so prune accordingly. Place in full sun and water only when the soil feels dry for this beauty to thrive.

Prayer Plant

For a colorful, hardy, tropical plant, the Prayer Plant is a great choice. It comes in varieties of colorufl leaves and patterns. They are called Prayer Plant because some of them fold their leaves up at night resembling hands in prayer. They are not too picky about their lighting conditions, but bright, indirect light is best, and keep the soil moist.


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