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20 Nov 2015

By Steve Jacobson

cornucopiaThis Thanksgiving, choose something unique for your holiday centerpiece. Instead of a decorative turkey or pumpkin, consider adding a cornucopia of fresh flowers. The Horn of Plenty has a rich harvest tradition and has been the table decor of fall for centuries, and French Florist has a number of these arrangements for your consideration.


The Legend Behind the Horn


The cornucopia is more than just a Thanksgiving decoration. It is a symbol steeped in legend. In ancient Greece, a myth about Hercules tells the story of a fierce battle between Hercules and Achelous, the god of the river, who were fighting for the heart of Dianira, a beautiful princess. In the fight, Achelous turned into a bull, and Hercules broke off his horn, which turned into a cornucopia.


A Cornucopia for Thanksgiving

Achelous admitted defeat, and Hercules presented the horn to the beautiful Dianira. According to the legend, the enchanted horn would always be filled with whatever the owner wished for. The symbol of the horn filled with produce indicated abundance, and flowers would be added to the look for beauty.


The Cornucopia Today


Today, the cornucopia is just as often seen with flowers as fruit, yet is still the symbol of beauty and autumn splendor. In addition to beautiful fall-colored blooms, these centerpieces may also include fall leaves, decorative berries and ample greenery. For instance, A Cornucopia for Thanksgiving features pears, coffee beans and autumn oak leaves alongside red and orange orchids and roses.


Autumn Cornucopia

Sunflowers also often make a debut in a modern cornucopia, and cinnamon sticks add more fall color with a festive aroma. Autumn Cornucopia combines both of these with roses and other fall colored blooms for a festive display.


If it is your turn to host Thanksgiving dinner, or you simply want to make your home more festive this holiday season, you can trust French Florist to help. Make the decision easy with the purchase of a cornucopia from French Florist. You can focus your energy on creating a meal that will impress, while still enjoying a beautiful and festive table.



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