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Flower Gifts


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25 Jun 2020

By Steve Jacobson

Flower Inspired Architecture

The glorious flower has become the inspiration for some modern architects who constructed flower-shaped buildings in their effort to bring a little bit of nature into the urban landscape. The results are astounding, to say the least. Plus, many of these structures are certified 'green' and are examples of how future architecture can reduce the use of resources while still looking amazing. Here at French Florist we've put together a list of some of most striking buildings from across the globe that are designed to look like a flower.


ArtScience Museum

ArtScience Museum

ArtScience Museum


Like a Lotus Blossom spinning on the surface of the water, the ArtScience museum in Singapore floats above the ground with radiating petals of differing heights bringing a little bit of nature into the urban landscape. A stunning structure with walls that curve upward seamlessly, this building also has many sustainable and energy-efficient features. The tops of the petals have rectangular skylights to allow natural sunlight to illuminate the galleries. The center of the roof has an oculus where rain pours down forming a waterfall that falls through the center of the building to the bottom level emptying into a reflection pool. The water is recycled to create a continuous waterfall loop as well as furnish water to the restrooms and exterior landscape.


Lotus Temple, Dehli

Lotus Temple, Dehli

The Lotus Temple (Baha'i House of Worship)

Delhi, India

Also shaped like a Lotus Blossom flower, the Lotus Temple in Delhi showcases the symmetry of this beautiful flower while also paying homage to nature and the Creator. Perfectly balanced from all angles, there are three levels of lotus blossom petals that encircle the interior dome. The lower level of petals turn outwards to create a canopied rooftop over each of the nine entrances. In front of each entrance are decorative reflection pools in the shape of lotus blossom leaves. The reflection pools not only provide cool air to the interior of the building also present the illusion that the flower is floating on water. Inside, there's no decoration besides the play of light and reflection from the water. Open to all faiths and all religions, the Lotus Temple is one of the most visited sites in the world


Wuhan. Wuhan New Energy Centre. Photo: Soeters Van Eldonk

Wuhan Energy Flower Building

Wuhan, China

Rising up from the landscape and facing the sun like a bold, proud flower, the Wuhan Energy building is an incredible example of sustainable architecture and a display of new energy sources. The design, inspired by the beautiful calla lily, has a circular roof covered with solar panels to soak up the sun's energy. Sitting atop the tower at an angle, the roof is able to provide shade to the tower underneath during China's hottest summer days. The rooftop is also shaped like a chalice to catch rainwater for recycling it throughout the building, Inside the giant pistil are wind turbines which produce another alternative energy source to power the building. Impressively, this building emits zero carbon emissions and is one of the most energy-efficient and sustainable structures in the world.


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