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23 Jul 2021

By Steve Jacobson

Rosh Hashanah CustomsRosh Hashanah  ' Hebrew for 'Head of the Year' ' is the Jewish New Year. It is one of the high holy days of the Jewish calendar and is marked both by prayerful self-reflection and celebrations with family. If you are going to miss Rosh Hashanah with your loved ones this year, or if you simply wish to say L'shanah Tovah (A Good New Year) across the miles, start with French Florist of Los Angeles.

Rosh Hashanah customsRosh Hashanah customs include spending the day at synagogue. With the blowing of the shofar, the faithful are called to repentance, asking forgiveness for sins of the past year. Prayers are read from a special prayer book called the machzor. Rosh Hashanah comprises the first two days of a ten day period which culminates on Yom Kippur, the holiest day on the Jewish calendar. With penitent prayers, the Jewish people are looking to a new beginning for the new year.

Rosh Hashanah is also marked by traditional celebratory meals. A perfect way to send your good wishes is with a floral centerpiece ' white flowers represents a new beginning, and blue signify divinity ' therefore these roses, orchids, lilies and delphinium send a fitting sentiment.

The meal generally consists of a few traditional items. Challah bread is baked in two loaves, to represent the twoRosh Hashanah customs portions of manna given to the Israelites in the desert on the day before Sabbath. Pomegranates are a fall harvest item and are eaten to symbolize 'new fruit', or fruit that has not been eaten before. They are also full of seeds, representing all the 'ripe opportunity'  of the new year. Apple slices dipped in honey are meant to invoke a sense of 'sweet hope' for the new year. These and other Rosh Hashanah customs incorporate deep symbolic meaning into a festive meal with friends and family, and they are also the inspiration for celebratory arrangements that will adorn the Rosh Hashanah table.

No matter how your family celebrates Rosh Hashanah, the floral designers at French Florist would like to extend our wishes for L'shanah Tovah. Whatever your occasion, from Los Angeles to Beverly Hills, we are the first place to call!



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