When Do Roses Bloom?

09 Nov 2022
By Michael Jacobson

The popular rose is one of the world’s best-loved flowering plants, not least because of the vast range of colors, sizes, and shapes that are available. This diverse flower can adapt to a variety of different climates and conditions and promises an abundance of stunning blooms each year. Roses also make excellent cut flowers for your indoor bouquet, and each color of rose is said to hold a different meaning, making the gift of a rose or rose bouquet that extra bit special.
How Long Do Roses Stay in Bloom?
The time of year, climate, and positioning of a rose plant, as well as how well it is cared for, will affect the length of time that its beautiful blooms can be enjoyed. On average a rose will be in bloom for two weeks, from the moment the bud opens to the moment the petals finally drop.

Dead-heading your roses regularly with gardening shears will allow the plant to put its energy into making more flowers, rather than into making seeds (rose hips), which is what happens when a dead flower is left on a rose plant. Taking flowers from your rose plants when in bloom will also encourage new buds to form. Snip off dead flowers just above a healthy-looking leaf, and another flower will most likely grow from that joint.
At the end of its flowering season, a rose can be left to produce rose hips to allow it to go into its period of dormancy, ready for the following year’s flowering. You can even use the rose hips to make tea or jelly if you’re feeling creative.
How Can You Keep Your Roses Blooming?
There are a number of techniques you can use to help your rose plants to be at their best and to keep those blooms coming throughout the flowering season.
As well as removing dead flower heads throughout the flowering season, properly pruning your roses is important to help your plant continue to produce flowers. When to do this depends somewhat on your area and its climate, but as a general rule, prune your roses late winter to early spring, at the time the growth starts. Make sure this is after the last frost in colder climates. To prune a rose, remove all the leaves, then cut back any dead (brown) wood right back to the base. Neaten the center of the plant by removing any crossing-over branches, so it forms a nice, upwards conical shape. Also, remove any thin growth - anything thinner than a pencil is a good rule to go by. Cut main stems back to about a quarter of an inch above an outward-facing bud eye (the little lumps on the branches where new growth will appear). This will encourage them to grow in an outwards direction so the center of the plant doesn’t get too congested.
Can Roses Rebloom?
Some varieties of the rose flower just once a season, while others will rebloom after periods of rest. Most modern roses bloom several times every summer, with a period of one to two months between each blooming cycle. Varieties you can be sure will bloom a number of times include climbing roses and most shrub roses, floribunda, Grandiflora, and hybrid tea roses.
What Factors Can Affect Rose Blooms?

Roses grow best in full sun. Not only does sunlight help the roses to bloom at their best, but it also reduces the likelihood of pests and disease. Roses also grow best in a location where the soil is rich in organic matter. Some people like to help fertilize the soil around their roses with chopped banana peels and alfalfa, both of which help add nutrition to the soil.
All plants need water and roses are no different. Established roses will need a good drink about once a week during the flowering season, and newly planted roses need water every two to three days. Check the soil around your roses regularly to ensure it hasn’t dried out. It’s best to water plants at the end of the day rather than at the hottest part of the day, to avoid scorching leaves, and to give your roses the best chance of absorbing the water before it evaporates.
Roses are hungry plants and really benefit from regular feeding. During the growing season, your roses will need three or more feeds using a good quality rose fertilizer. Give the first feed in late winter and the next two in the summer. Your roses can also be mulched with leaves during the winter to help improve the quality of the soil ready for the following summer.
Blind shoots
Blind shoots are those which don’t produce flowers. Unfortunately ‘rose blindness’ can happen even with good plant care. Cut blind shoots back to the next healthy-looking bud, continue to prune, feed, and water your roses well, and the problem should soon resolve itself.
Weeds and Pests
Inspect your roses regularly for pests, invasive weeds, and signs of disease. Mulching your roses with leaves or woodchips can help to reduce the likelihood of weeds invading your rose’s territory. Pests such as aphids, beetles, and mites can be removed by hand if it’s a small infestation. For bigger pest problems you can use an insecticide designed for roses. Ensure you treat the underside of leaves as well as top surfaces when using an insecticide spray. If you prefer not to use insecticides, soapy water in a spray gun can sometimes do the trick.
What Flowers Pair Well with Roses?
Roses look great alongside a range of flowering plants, but there are certain ones that really work well together. Shorter, bushier plants can hide any ‘legginess’ in your roses - providing cover for unsightly stems that appear too long. Plants such as lavender and dianthus work well in this situation. This is called ‘underplanting’.
Some plants can also help to actively fertilize the soil around your roses, providing nutrient-rich mulch for them to feed on. Other plants can help to discourage pests from your roses. Great rose companions include alliums, geraniums, globe thistle, and gypsophila, and herbs such as parsley, oregano, catmint, and sage.
Order both fresh and preserved roses from French Florist
If you don’t have time to wait for your own flowers to bloom, we can help. Order beautiful roses from French Florist for delivery nationwide, or by 2pm for same-day local delivery across Los Angeles.